Tuesday, July 10, 2018

New Day Acquires Dutch-based Specialty Alumina Products Manufacturer

Yale University alumnus David D’Addario is a resident of Florida. A commodities veteran, David D’Addario has served as the chairman and chief executive of New Day Aluminum LLC since 2001. 

On October 31, 2017, New Day announced the completion of the acquisition of ARC Fused Alumina by its Dutch subsidiary. The company was purchased from Mircal SA. Mircal was compelled to sell off this operation following its acquisition of some assets from Alteo Holding earlier on. 

Based in La Bathie, France, ARC Fused Alumina produces specialty alumina products such as bubble alumina, white fused alumina, and silicon nitrates. These products can be used in industries like ceramics, abrasives, flooring, and refractory. 

New Day’s purchase of the investment was approved by the European Commission in September. Speaking at the announcement, New Day CEO D’Addario welcomed ARC Fusion’s clients and its 150-member staff to the New Day family. He stated that the acquisition would diversify New Day’s geographic and product portfolio while positioning it for more acquisitions and global integration.